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17th Oct 2016

Nobody can believe Harry Redknapp got this football question wrong on The Chase

This looked like a guaranteed home banker

Ben Kenyon

There’s not many people in football that know more about the beautiful game than Harry Redknapp.

The former Spurs and QPR has been hanging out of car windows talking about ‘pla’ers’ since before you were old enough to understand the offside rule.

You’d bet your bloody house on old ‘Arry to nail any vaguely football related-question wouldn’t you?

One such question dropped into his lap as the 69-year-old was playing a charity edition of ITV Gameshow The Chase.

But the one-time England hopeful absolutely fluffed it with an open goal at his feet.

He was asked ‘The tune of The Stars and Stripes Forever’ is used for which football chant?’ by host Bradley Walsh

Redknapp had already managed to bag himself £5,000 in his cash builder round and this question looked to be a gimme.

He had three options: ‘Here We Go’, ‘Glory Glory Man United’ and ‘You’re Not Singing Anymore.’

‘It can’t be Here We Go, Here We Go, Here We Go, can it, surely?’ he said with the confidence of a man who surely couldn’t be wrong.

But that was of course the right answer, but Redknapp went with Glory Glory, Man United.

Chaser Mark Labbett obviously got the right answer and relished in rubbing Redknapp’s nose in it.

‘Glory Glory Man United is sung to The Battle Hymn of the Republic, or John Brown’s body Lies A-mouldering in the Grave.’

People couldn’t quite believe that he got it wrong…

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