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06th Jan 2022

Novak Djokovic to remain in Australia until decision on deportation

Callum Boyle

Djokovic will find out on Monday if he is to be deported from Australia

Novak Djokovic will find out on Monday (10 January) if he will be deported from Australia after he was denied entry to the country on Thursday due to a mix-up with his visa application.

The tennis world number one was stopped at Melbourne Airport where he was questioned by officials after his team failed to request a visa that permits medical exemption from being vaccinated.

Djokovic‘s arrival into Australia had already been the centre of controversy given the country’s strict vaccination policy – which the 34-year-old has refused to confirm if he has received a vaccination, whilst locals felt aggrieved at the decision after being subject to harsh lockdown restrictions during the pandemic.

As a result, Djokovic will not be allowed to take part in the Australian Open with the Serb is currently inside the Park Hotel in Carlton awaiting a decision and has lodged a review against the Australian government as well as seeking to prevent officials from deporting him before Monday, as told by ESPN.

This now seems likely after Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly revealed that there had been a delay in receiving the application for a review of the visa and a temporary ban on whether Djokovic would be deported or not.

Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews’ lawyer meanwhile has sided alongside the tennis nine-time Australian Open champion’s barrister, Nick Wood, that he shouldn’t be deported until the matter is fully resolved.

The case has now been adjourned until 10am on Monday where the court will hear the decision to cancel the Serb’s visa.

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