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10th Jan 2022

Novak Djokovic’s court hearing stream interrupted by someone playing porn

Danny Jones

This is all getting a bit too parody-like, isn’t it?

Novak Djokovic‘s court hearing was, rather awkwardly, reportedly broken up by someone who started broadcasting porn on the live stream.

The remote case was being held over Microsoft Teams and broadcast live, with more than 350 people joining the lobby.

Even prior to the main event, people who weren’t muted on entry were able to play music and spam the link with a flood of memes as court officials were trying to discuss the Serbian’s visa status as he continues to seek vaccine exemption.

The original link for Djokovic’s court hearing was eventually abandoned after it was co-opted almost entirely by trolls who ended up blocking the bandwidth, meaning the people that were supposed to be in there couldn’t even gain entry.

The Sydney Morning Herald‘s Sarah Danckert said that the official who was tasked with moderating the live stream ultimately left because they could simply no longer mute and manage the sheer number of trolls.

The tennis star did go on to win his deportation case and was expected to go on and play in the Australian Open as originally planned, with the tournament itself having started on Sunday.

However, it has since been reported that the 34-year-old was arrested just hours after the victory. While this story may have started out as a serious discussion surrounding world sport and the impact Covid continues to have, there’s been so many twists and turns that it just feels like something out of an absurdist comedy at this point.

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