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10th Jan 2017

NSAC may remove marijuana from the banned list not long after infamous Nick Diaz ban

Taking big steps.

Ben Kiely

“I like smoking some weed like you like drinking a soda, or something like that. Like steak and potatoes, it’s fucking… it’s amazing!” – Nick Diaz on the Jasty Show #209.

Nick Diaz’s fondness for carbohydrates and protein has cost him a hell of a lot throughout his career.

It cost him his sensational win over legendary fighter Takanori Gomi at PRIDE 33. His submission win via gogoplata was overturned to a No Contest after he tested positive for marijuana.

When he was popped for the third time for marijuana after his bout against Anderson Silva at UFC 183 he was slapped with a five-year ban and a $165,000 fine by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Luckily, Cher intervened and the ban was reduced to 18 months while the fine was cut to $100,000.

Diaz may be the most high-profile fighter to get burned by the commission after sparking up a doob too close to fight night, but he isn’t the only one, not by a long shot. Alex Caceres, Matt Riddle and Pat Healy have all had wins in the promotion overturned to No Contests after testing positive for the drug.

It may be too little too late for some of the aforementioned fighters, but we could have a situation where no MMA fighter will receive fines, bans or have results overturned for testing positive for marijuana. At least in Nevada anyway, who recently voted to legalise marijuana in the state. This decision could impact on the commission’s attitude towards testing for the drug.

According to the upcoming agenda, the NSAC may be changing that attitude sooner rather than later as this Friday they will review “the possible exclusion of cannabinoids (marijuana) from the list of prohibited substances and methods pursuant to passage of Nevada ballot initiative question 2.”

This would be a massive statement as marijuana is listed as a prohibited substances list by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) and USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency), with the latter adopting the former’s list.


Nick Diaz,UFC