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15th Mar 2019

Oldham Athletic owner claims Paul Scholes resigned ‘by text’

Wayne Farry

Scholes announced his resignation on Thursday after 31 days at the club

Oldham Athletic owner Abdallah Lemsagam has released a statement a day after manager Paul Scholes resigned from his position at the club, citing the fact that he had been misled by the hierarchy.

Scholes left the club on Thursday after just over a month in charge and after presiding over seven league game, one of which resulted in a win.

In his statement, released Friday morning, Lemsagam claimed that Scholes had resigned via text and that he was surprised by his decision.

“I am disappointed by Paul’s decision to resign and surprised by the reasons he has given in his statement,” he said.

“Both myself and the staff at the club gave Paul all the support and autonomy that he asked for. I personally was always supportive of any decisions Paul made or consulted me on reassuring him that he was the man in charge.

“I continued to encourage him despite the results and reassured him that his job was secure. I was content to remain in League Two for this season and working with the team we have for the remainder of this season is important.

“Paul and I both agreed that there is potential but I reassured him that he had my full backing to rebuild the team of his choice next season. He did not raise any concerns at all about the team or any other matters informally or formally, prior to his resignation. He gave no opportunity or indications that he needed to address any issues at all.

“I have been in Dubai over the last couple of weeks and actually at ease knowing that he was in charge. I was very surprised as he simply resigned by text on Wednesday afternoon and has refused to discuss matters that influenced him to make his decision.

“Management is a difficult job and both myself and everyone at the club would have worked with Paul to find solutions, had we been given the chance. I personally believed that he would be the manager to take us forward this season and next and I know many of you felt the same.

“As a club we wish him well again and thank him for his contribution.

“I have commenced working on the appointment of a new manager. Rest assured that since the news of Paul’s resignation I have had many offers that I will consider very carefully before making a decision.

“Paul’s assistant manager, Mick Priest is still working with the team and is happy to continue at the club.

“In the meantime, I do ask that you continue to support our club and the players as you have always done.”

A statement released by Scholes after he made his decision yesterday said: “It is with great regret that I have decided to leave the club with immediate effect.

“I hoped to, at the very least see out my initial term, of 18 months as the manager of a club I’ve supported all my life. The fans, players, my friends and family all knew how proud and excited I was to take this role.

“In the short period since I took on the role it unfortunately became clear I would not be able to operate as I intended and was led to believe prior to taking on the role.

“I wish the fans, the players and the staff – who have been tremendous – all the best for the season and I will continue to watch and support the club as a fan.”