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15th Jul 2018

BREAKING: Paul Pogba dabbed with the World Cup

Wayne Farry

World football has changed forever

This one’s for all the yer das, gammons, complainers about “flamboyant haircuts” and “bling”, Paul Pogba is now a world champion, joining a short list of legends who have taken home a winners medal from the biggest sporting competition on earth.

He had lots of doubters coming into the tournament. As a confident young black footballer playing his football in England, it’s merely par for the course, but there had been calls for him to be dropped from Didier Deschamps’ prior to the tournament.

Four weeks later and those calls look about as stupid as many of his critics. Four weeks later and Pogba is a World Cup winner.

Was he the Pogba of old? The player we loved pulling the strings for Juventus? No, he was something different. He was more mature, more disciplined. Moving forward when necessary, sitting back when asked to. This was Pogba 2.0, doing it on the biggest stage.

Aside from his goal, which was a proper peach with his bad foot, there was more to his performance. There was confidence, composure, expert passing and a bit of fun in there for good measure.

There was also a dab – A DAB – with the World Cup.

Few people have won the World Cup, only Paul Pogba has dabbed with it.

Understandably, as with all occurrences in this divisive world of ours, there was a mixed response, despite how utterly spectacular it was.