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11th Oct 2016

Paul Pogba scores an absolute screamer and tells Kevin Strootman to “shut the fuck up”

The highlight of the match, apparently.

Rob Burnett

Is swearing just easier in English?

How else to explain why a Frenchman, who spent four years living in Italy, would use some old fashioned Anglo Saxon vocab to voice is displeasure to a Dutchman?

Especially when said Dutchman has been playing in Rome for the last three years, making Italian their shared language?

Yes, yes, Paul Pogba scored a magnificent 30-yard winner as France took all three points against Holland in their World Cup qualifier last night…

…But what really seemed to impress people was when he was caught on camera telling Strootman to “shut the fuck up”.


Perhaps the Dutchman had just said wistfully: “You know, there was a time Manchester United were going to make me their marquee midfield signing.”

Sadly, we’ll probably never know. Still, it seemed to impress you lot.

After the match Strootman played the whole thing down.

“We had many chances and we knew that we had in front of us a very strong team, with more luck we could’ve capitalised on some occasions,” he said.

“The duel with Pogba and the tirade can happen after a match like this.”

So that’s fine. All friends again.

Catch up with the latest episode of Football Friday Live right here…