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02nd Apr 2019

Phil Jones produces the gurn to end all gurns during Manchester United’s defeat to Wolves

Wayne Farry

When you thought it couldn’t get better

Phil Jones was introduced towards the end of Manchester United’s defeat to Wolverhampton Wanderers on Tuesday night to steady the ship. The score was 1-1 and Ashley Young’s red card meant United were reduced to 10 men. Keep it tight, would have likely been the message from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but what he got was something much better.

Jones did not keep it tight, far from it. Instead, he played a role in Wolves’ winner through Leander Dendoncker, heading the ball against the Belgian midfielder’s head before it trickled over the line, potentially with the help of Jones’ comedy partner Chris Smalling.

That, for any other player, would have been the end of it. Jones was unlucky in heading the ball against Dendoncker, but head it he did. It was unfortunate, but it wasn’t until Sky Sports showed the reverse angle of the goal that we saw just how unfortunate/amazing it actually was.

From that angle we were graced with the sight of Jones’ newest and undoubtedly greatest ever gurn. He has gurned before, perhaps more than any other human being that’s ever lived.

But he has never gurned like this. Nobody has. This was like a gurn straight from heaven. The gurn to end all gurns.