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18th Jan 2016

Pizza Hut’s attempts at a tennis match-fixing tweet didn’t go down very well

Poor delivery

Kevin Beirne

Running the social media account of a large company can be tricky work.

You’ve got to maintain the brand’s image while still engaging in the witty banter that will convince people that you’re so much more than just a faceless corporation.

More often than not, the need to cash-in on trending stories just leads to various companies overusing emojis and the word “bae”, but every now and again it throws up a tie-in as misguided as this.

You’ve probably heard about the match-fixing scandal that’s rocked the tennis world. Well, so have Pizza Hut.

But rather than praising the hard work of the journalists in uncovering the corruption, the fast food providers decided it would be a good idea to declare it all ‘not a big deal’.

Of course they were simply trying to tie things into their new big deal marketing campaign, but Twitter users weren’t impressed.


Pizza Hut,Tennis