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04th Apr 2019

Team attempts ‘Balotelli selfie’ celebration, immediately regrets decision

Wayne Farry

Super Mario makes it look easier than it is, clearly

When Mario Balotelli scored for Marseille against Saint Etienne in March, he celebrated by not only taking a selfie with his teammates, but also uploaded it to Instagram Stories while still on the pitch.

It was a brilliant celebration, which followed a cracking goal, and it was overall one of the best things he has ever done on a football pitch.

People like Balotelli are trendsetters though, so invariably when he does something like this there ends up being other people out there assuming that they too can be as cool as he is.

Unfortunately for them, most of those people are wrong, and their attempts will end in disaster.

Mohammed El Fakih, of Moroccan football club Youssoufia Berrechid, is one of those people. The 29-year-old scored a goal for his side against Mouloudia Oujda.

He and his teammates were so delighted with themselves that they ran to take a team selfie and try to upload it to Instagram, like Super Mario did.

Unfortunately, as they were doing this – and once all of their players had returned to their own half – Mouloudia Oujda’s players ran up the pitch and won a penalty.

Youssoufia Berrechid’s probably felt fairly stupid about the whole situation, and they would have felt even worse when Oujda scored.

To make matters worse, the Instagram Story didn’t even upload. Good work, lads.