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27th Oct 2016

Police investigate West Ham homophobia relating to John Terry and Diego Costa

Vile sentiments


To think that someone went to the trouble of producing such horrendous bile.

The crowd at West Ham’s London Stadium didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory on Wednesday night, as the home fans clashed with Chelsea supporters in ugly scenes reminiscent of another era.

There were punches thrown, numerous scuffles, and bloody scenes involving fans both young and old struck by coins and other missiles. Indeed, there are reports of children as young as eight suffering injuries.

But another layer of disgrace has come to light as police have confirmed that they’re investigating the distribution of a vile homophobic song sheet amongst West Ham supporters.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman stated: “Police are aware of an leaflet handed out before the match containing homophobic contents. This will will form part of the post match investigation.”

Images of the printed instructions are below. Perversely, the word ‘fucking’ is censored prior to advising the home fans to ‘all sing it after bubbles when the game kicks off tonight’. The song references Chelsea’s John Terry and Diego Costa, and is abhorrent in its blatant homophobia.