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23rd Mar 2019

PSG awarded title of Instagram champions by… themselves

Wayne Farry

That’s the real quiz

Paris Saint-Germain may have been once again humiliated in the Champions League and may once again be striding toward domestic triumph like a blinkered champion thoroughbred racing against sloths, but there remain reasons to get excited if you are a fan of the Ligue 1 lifestyle brand football club.

No, not their recent 3-1 win over Marseille or the 4-0 victory over Dijon the weekend before, this latest achievement is one based totally on the world wide web, but remains every bit of cromulent as a title win or cup triumph.

The reason PSG are celebrating now is because *drum roll* they have been named “Instagram champions”.

Wow. You did it! Amazing achievement folks. There are so many accounts on Instagram and you – yes you – were chosen as the champions out of the entire lot. That is fucking incredible. Fair play.

Yes, PSG were awarded the title of Instagram champions by *checks notes* themselves. That cannot be right, surely? It is? Okay, fair enough.

Having reached 20 million followers on the platform, PSG felt it appropriate to release an official club statement on their website which reads: “The Parisian club is making dazzling progress and exceeds the milestone of 20 million followers,” their statement read.”

An incredible achievement, we’re sure you will agree, and – lest we forget – yet another bargaining tool that the club can use in contract negotiations with future transfer targets.

I mean, who would want to join the champions of Europe, a mere continent, when you could join the champions of Instagram, an entire social media platform? Exactly.