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25th Jan 2021

QUIZ: Name every Chelsea manager hired by Roman Abramovich

Wayne Farry

Another one bites the dust

Chelsea have sacked Frank Lampard after fewer than two full seasons in charge, after he oversaw the club’s worst points-per-game ratio of the Abramovich era.

There will be some sympathy for Lampard, particularly among certain sections of the media and the club’s fanbase, but in truth he knew what he was getting himself into when he became manager of one of English football’s most trigger happy teams after a solitary season in management.

He is not alone in his sorrow, however, many other managers have been hired and fired by Roman Abramovich. It is also true that every situation has a silver lining. In this instance that silver lining is this quiz, which admittedly will be little consolation for Lampard, but should provide you with enough content to wile away a few minutes of yet another lockdown evening.

There are 11 managers to get, and Thomas Tuchel isn’t on the list yet, though he no doubt will be soon.