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11th Oct 2023

QUIZ: You won’t be able to name all of these one-club legends

Robert Redmond

Can you name these 14 one-club footballers?

We’ve selected 14 retired players who spent their entire career at one football club, and you have five minutes to name them.

Before you try, there are some caveats.

  • Players such as Steven Gerrard don’t count for the quiz because, although the former Liverpool captain spent almost his entire career at the club, he played for LA Galaxy at the end of his career.
  • To be eligible for the quiz, each footballer had to have played after the Bosman ruling in 1995 – which granted players greater freedom of movement.
  • Some of these players began their careers in the 1980s, and retired after 1995.
  • Each of the footballers included in the quiz have retired.

To make it easier, we’ve included the club each footballer played for, and the number of league appearances he made.

Good luck, and let us know how you do.

(If the quiz does not display below, just click here).

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