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24th May 2015

Report: Falcao will not be a Manchester United player next season

Not back for good...

Nooruddean Choudry

Radamel Falcao, once revered as the most lethal striker on the planet, is to be ditched by Manchester United after a woeful season at the Old Trafford club…

Ian Ladyman of the Daily Mail reports that the Colombian’s season-long loan will neither be extended, nor lead to a permanent transfer, following United’s final game of the season away to Hull City.

It’s a sorry end to an ill-fated experiment. Louis van Gaal and the Old Trafford hierarchy banked on the former Atletico Madrid man regaining his irresistible Vicente Calderón form, but it was not to be.

It is something of a bittersweet revelation for many United fans, who never stopped singing the player’s name. For his part, the striker always showed great endeavour and commitment to regain his previous form.

In many ways it’s a case of the right player at the right club, but at a very wrong moment in time.