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21st Sep 2016

Everyone’s saying the same thing about Roberto Firmino’s latest Snapchat

It's got everyone talking.

Tom Victor

It’s been a quiet few days without much going on in the world, so people are naturally looking for distractions.

We’ve only had the fallout from one of the most high-profile celebrity breakups in recent memory, the death of a much-loved film director and the release of a new iPhone. Small stuff, we’re sure you’ll agree.

Elsewhere we’re in the middle of a presidential election campaign in the United States and a leadership challenge has engulfed one of the UK’s major parties. Oh, and Brexit’s still a thing.

Still, what if you’re one of those people who puts sport first. All we’ve had to entertain ourselves is the launch of a major international tournament, Floyd Mayweather ending those Conor McGregor superfight rumours and someone blowing up a fucking stadium for a film.

So, with very little going on elsewhere, we can forgive people for focusing on something that really matters.

That’s right, Roberto Firmino may or may not have had his teeth whitened.

He posted the following photo to Snapchat, and you’d better believe people saw what was going on.


It didn’t take long for the wisecracks to begin. Because hey, people can tell when something important is happening.

It’s certainly eye-catching, but is it the biggest news story of the week? For me, no.

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