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01st Aug 2015

Ronda Rousey responds brilliantly to claims her body is ‘too masculine’ (Video)


This is why we have nothing by admiration for Ronda Rousey.

Prior to UFC 190, which takes place in the wee hours of the morning on Sunday in Brazil, Rousey addressed some of the comments levelled at her appearance for being too ‘muscly’ or ‘masculine’.

Speaking to UFC Embedded, she had some choice words for those who criticise her physique:

“Listen, just because my body was developed for a purpose other than f*cking millionaires doesn’t mean it’s masculine.

“I think it’s femininely badass because there’s not a single muscle on my body that isn’t for a purpose – because I’m not a do nothing bitch.

“It’s not very eloquently said, but it’s to the point and maybe that’s just what I am.”

Not at all Ronda – that’s plenty eloquent for anyone.