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22nd Apr 2016

Steven Gerrard reflects on the moment Premier League glory slipped away

'I look back and wish I had made a genuine mistake...'

Simon Lloyd

With the finish line in sight, it’s a nervy time for the players of Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspur.

One man who knows this better than most is Steven Gerrard, a seasoned veteran of one (maybe two) failed title run-ins.

Writing in his column for The Telegraph, the former Liverpool skipper has reflected on the varying emotions experienced when involved in such a situation.

‘For me it was the best of times and the worst of times,’ he writes. ‘The explosions of joy and relief when you enjoy what you hope is a pivotal win, and the depths of despair when – in Liverpool’s case two years ago – we fell just short.’

Liverpool v Chelsea - Premier League

Describing how there are greater expectations on players that haven’t won a title, Gerrard adds that this had an impact on him as he approached the end of his time at Anfield.

‘I felt that weight when I was at the end of my career with Liverpool, recognising it was my last chance to win the one trophy that eluded me.’

Inevitably, Gerrard also has to address the moment he slipped against Chelsea in the final weeks of the 2013/14 season, gifting Demba Ba a goal that proved pivotal in stopping Liverpool claiming their first league crown in over two decades.

‘It was the kind of incident that under any under circumstances, with far less at stake, would not be remembered,’ he adds.

‘I recall numerous details about that title bid that no-one talks about now, such as an untimely injury to Daniel Sturridge before we played Chelsea and a sending off for Jordan Henderson against Manchester City that meant he was suspended for what proved the most important game of all. All these things contributed.

Liverpool v Chelsea - Premier League

‘I look back and wish I had made a genuine mistake – something I could have avoided – rather than just slipped, but I know that is what people will choose to talk about most.’

Referring to the final matches for Leicester and Spurs, Gerrard suggests that someone is likely to experience something similar.

‘Whatever happens, for better or worse, someone from Leicester or Spurs is going to have to enjoy or endure re-runs of the title winning moment for the rest of their lives.

‘Leicester’s task is to make sure Vardy’s red card is merely a minor setback rather than the turning point.’