Like many a Manchester United fan, Stormzy is a) born in London, and b) eager with anticipation for the new season.
The grime artist has become something of an ambassador for Manchester United over the summer, hanging out with David Beckham, showing off the new away kit and generally being the great, enthusiastic, passionate man we all know and love.
— Big Smoke – (@Skepta) June 29, 2016
And like many a Manchester United fan, Stormzy’s been looking over the current squad and outlined a few things the team needs to do to get back into title contention.
Praying that Ibra does the big bro/mentor/sensei ting with Rashford
then it's flipping peak
— Stormzy (@stormzy) August 5, 2016
For Stormzy, a Zlatan-Rashford partnership could be key to Manchester United in the coming season.
(To translate for those not familiar: making something peak is to make something really hard or difficult. Stormzy is saying, defenders would be ruined if Zlatan teaches Rashford some skills.)
We’ve already Zlatan impressed by Rashford’s skills in a pre-season game against Galatasaray. Here’s hoping Stormzy’s predictions come true and we get another fearsome attacking duo to excite and thrill the Premier League next season.
Now, you may scoff at Stormzy’s assessment of the team, but remember, his appearance in the new #FirstNeverFollows adidas advert with Paul Pogba probably means he’s one of the most well-informed Manchester United fans on the planet.
Stormzy knows more inside information about Manchester United than you.
He’s a better FIFA player than you as well.
When I say I'm good at FIFA I ain't talking bout yh I'm alright I mean I will 6-0 you in front of your mum then throw the pad at her
— Stormzy (@stormzy) October 20, 2014