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27th Aug 2015

The journalist who revealed Mario Balotelli’s antics is being abused by Liverpool fans

This is a little overboard...


Liverpool’s Mario Balotelli nightmare has come to an end, with the player re-joining AC Milan on a season-long loan.

There’s no word on whether Milan will sign the striker permanently, but Balotelli’s Anfield career looks to be certain to be over.

But instead of rejoicing that their team is free of the misfiring misfit, some Liverpool fans have turned on a Liverpool Echo journalist, who had the crazy idea to report on Balotelli’s antics during his season with the club.

James Pearce revealed the reasons behind Balotelli’s exit, writing how the 25-year-old skipped training to get an iPhone 6, scored an own-goal from the half-way line and didn’t know who Joe Allen was despite having shared a room with the Wales midfielder.

Despite all this, quite a few Liverpool fans on Twitter took issue with Pearce. Needless to say, some of the replies and reaction may cause offence.

One couldn’t understand Pearce’s “hatchet job”, or possibly what the term “hatchet job” means. Or that Pearce doesn’t actually work for Liverpool football club.

The Spaniard never scored an own-goal from the half-way line in training. Or a goal.

One fan accused Pearce of doing Brendan Rodgers’ dirty work.

For another though, this “hatchet job” goes straight to the top.

While one sensed Pearce had an ulterior motive.

This guy was looking at the bigger picture, and possibly hoping for a different article.

A lot of people seemed confused as to why a journalist would write something negative about a £16m striker who scored just one league goal last season.

Balotelli could be wondering where all this support was when he was still playing in Liverpool?