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10th Jun 2016

The only France v Romania drinking game you’ll need tonight

Carl Anka

“Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.”

While we’re hoping Gary Lineker’s quote won’t come to pass for Euro 2016, he’s is (mostly right), football is a simple game. So we’ve created a simple drinking game to match it.

We’ll be in full on Euro 2016 mode this month as we look to provide you with the best news, features and tech around the tournament.

Now then, shall we have a go at giving you a fun drinking game to play when it all kicks off at 8pm tonight between France and Romania.

Remember to drink responsibly folks. Try and have a pint or two of water at half time. And check out our read on why you actually ‘break the seal‘. 

STRASBOURG, FRANCE - MAY 18: Italian students from the Primo Levi

Here’s the simple stuff, take a sip of your drink when….

There’s a throw in

There’s a free kick

There’s a corner

There’s a goal kick


UEFA Euro 2016 - Romania Press Conference

Romania manager Anghel Iordănescu. So now you know. Photo by Alex Grimm – UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images

Drink two fingers when….

Someone is yellow carded

The manager leaves his dugout

Someone makes a comment on the ‘party atmosphere’ in Paris.



Take three fingers if…

Clive makes some mention of Karim Benezma being left at home.

Someone mentions to Romanian bleach blonde job

There’s a sodding goal

There’s a penalty given


France v Scotland - International Friendly

Giroud. Doing a Giroud. Photo by Daniel Kopatsch/Getty Images

Four fingers if…

Pogba scores and hits a dab

Oliver Giroud fluffs a sitter

Someone brings up Pitbull (either on commentary on on your social media.)

Drink the entire duration of…

The cameraman leers on a female fan in the crowd. Come on mate. Grow up.


during the International

Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images

Down your whole drink if…

There’s a missed penalty

Payet lines up a free-kick and someone mentions, “we’ll he’s scored one of these before”.

Karim Benezma does anything on social media.

Someone mentions the combined age of the French fullbacks

Romania win.


Remember to send in your Euro 2016 snaps to, or drop us a message with your Euro adventures on Facebook.