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20th Mar 2016

This Liverpool fan absolutely tears into Martin Skrtel’s performance

Carl Anka

It’s the hope that kills you.

Liverpool were beginning to enjoy a nice little spell this season. They’d turfed Manchester United out of European football, Jon Flanagan has signed a brand new contract and the team was making a late push for European football.

Things were on the up. There was even a match against Liverpool’s feeder club/youth team Southampton to really cement how the club has moved on.

And then Liverpool conspired to throw away a two goal lead in 25 minutes.

Thanks in part to Martin Skrtel’s shocking performance at centre half.

Being 2-0 up at half time and losing a game 3-2 does things to a football fan.

Presenting a two act play – “What Skrtel does to a fan”.  As written by the excellent Liverpool fan account The Anfield Chat.

It was all going so well…

So you dare to dream…

And then, the villain of the story materialises…

You rage and you rage, but no one seems to listen…

Then the fall occurs, and you realise just what has occurred.

You warned the people…

But they would not listen.

So there’s nothing left but to hammer home your point. 

Sorry Martin, better luck next time…

