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27th Aug 2018

This video shows what referees hear during a VAR decision

Who'd be a ref?

Reuben Pinder

Who’d be a referee?

We need them, referees, but it’s still utterly bemusing that anyone would want to become one. The abuse they are subject to, the pressure they are under to get every decision correct. It’s a lose lose situation; you’re guaranteed to anger at least one set of fans in every match.

Now, the referees have the added factor of VAR to consider. The technology was designed and implemented with the intention of removing human error, but of course cannot completely erase all mistakes, such is the subjective nature of most challenges in a football match.

When VAR is used, chaos ensues in the referee’s earpiece. While the VAR team shout over each other, arguing what decision should be made, the referee must take this all into consideration and simultaneously attempt to keep the players on the field under control.

NBC recently showed a clip from the FA Cup final last season, when Manchester United’s Phil Jones gave away a penalty when he fouled Chelsea’s Eden Hazard. In the clip, you can hear the communication within the VAR team and the referee, and how the referee communicates with the players.

It’s fascinating, and further raises the point: who’d be a ref?