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02nd Mar 2017

Tony Bellew’s selective memory brought to light in hilarious 120 second turnaround

How dare you do what I just did!

Darragh Murphy

It’s one rule for Tony Bellew and another for David Haye, apparently.

The pair of British rivals are doing the media rounds this week, hyping their heavyweight grudge match this weekend in a series of face-offs and press conferences.

The week began in Bellew’s native Liverpool at an event which saw Haye criticised for his use of the term “fucking retards” when referencing the fans in attendance.

That language prompted ‘The Bomber’ to attempt to rein his rival in by composedly requesting Haye to refrain from using bad language in front of the children who were sat close to the stage.

“Please refrain from the language, David. There are children in our presence,” Bellew calmly said.

But what must have slipped his memory is the fact that, not two minutes previously, he had bellowed the below phrase into the microphone.

“You’ve got that right, bitch. Now shut the FUCK up!”

The turnaround can be seen quite clearly in the hilarious clip below.

Perhaps he should have a word with himself first before he starts insisting on swear jars for opponents.