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09th Dec 2015

Two Arsenals at war: 10 things Gunners can’t stop arguing about

Kevin Beirne

Arsenal fans are notorious for their in-fighting.

Call it sibling rivalry or just plain old nastiness, but Gooners are at each others’ throats every single day on Twitter and Facebook.

While there are flavours of the month when it comes to the discussion, here are ten of the most common topics Arsenal fans kick off about…

Arsene Wenger

  • Arsene Wenger is the greatest manager in Arsenal’s illustrious history. He’s won more trophies in two decades than most clubs have in their entire existence and has earned our patience.
  • F**k that! Wenger’s done. He was an innovator 20 years ago but the game has passed him by. We should have moved for Klopp when we had the chance.

Champions League

  • The Champions League is the pinnacle of world football, and we should be proud that we’ve been consistently a part of it for over a decade. It gives our players valuable experience that helps us domestically too.
  • Why do we bother wasting time on a tournament we know we’re never going to win? It’s the same every year, but at least this time around we might get out early enough so we won’t be distracted from a title run in the spring.



  • Injuries are a natural part of the game. You can’t plan for them. Yes, we’ve been unlucky before but you simply can’t predict injuries any more than you can the weather.
  • Nonsense. One injury crisis is unlucky – this is a clear pattern and Wenger is doing nothing to stop it. We keep buying crocked players and supporting players we know are held together with masking tape and act surprised when they break down.

Jack Wilshere

  • A local lad come good. What’s not to love? He’s Arsenal through and through. Yes he has struggled with injuries, but just remember that performance against Barcelona and you’ll understand why we need to stick by him.
  • Wilshere is a fraud. We should have sold him to Manchester City when we had the chance. He’s fragile as glass and doesn’t have the mentality to make it at the top.



Transfer policy

  • Part of what makes Arsenal great is our ability to build a team. That’s what Wenger has always done and it’s what makes us a football club rather than a home for mercenaries like Chelsea or Man City.
  • Wenger is scared to spend big because he’s so obsessed with everyone thinking he’s some sort of genius. FFS Arsene, get your chequebook out and buy a striker and a defensive midfielder.

Emirates Stadium

  • The Emirates is a sign of our ambition as a club. It’s state-of-the-art and will allow us to push past our rivals. You can see Spurs and Chelsea scrambling for a new stadium now – we’re a decade ahead of them.
  • Moving out of Highbury was the moment Arsenal Football Club died and the Arsenal corporation started. Now real fans can’t afford to go and the stadium is full of fairweather tourists who couldn’t give less of a sh*t about the game.

Arsenal v Aston Villa - Premier League

Alisher Usmanov

  • In the days of billionaire owners, it has to make you proud to see Arsenal running a self-sustainable model. Sorry Mr Usmanov, but you just can’t buy class.
  • Kroenke out, Usmanov in! We can’t compete with Chelsea and Man City without a Sugar Daddy of our own. It’s not pretty, but this is just the way football is nowadays. Let’s bring him in and take advantage of his money.

Oliver Giroud

  • Thank god for Olivier Giroud and his perfect hair. We’ve relied on him so heavily over the last few years that it’s a wonder he’s still standing. He’s the focal point of our attack and will benefit from Walcott being able to give him some breaks now.
  • Olivier Giroud is the personification of everything wrong with this Arsenal team. He’s a flat-track bully who is exposed against quality opposition. We’ll never be better than fourth place with him leading the line.


Mathieu Flamini

  • His style might not be pretty, but it gets results. He single-handedly knocked Spurs out of the League Cup this season and is Ozil’s best mate. He might not be the player he once was, but if he’s happy to be a back-up then we’re happy to have him.
  • We need to release Flamini from his contract so he can go grab one of those free transfers he’s so bloody fond of. He’s a liability any time he’s on the pitch. Only Wenger would like a defensive midfielder who has no idea how to defend.

How old Jackson Martinez is

martinez age