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13th Jan 2016

VIDEO: Angry (and hilarious) Van Gaal has a go at “fat man” journalist for criticising Rooney

Nooruddean Choudry

Hell hath no fury like Louis van Gall scorned.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – if Man United were half as entertaining as the Dutchman’s press conferences, they’d be flying.

Following Tuesday’s 3-3 draw with Newcastle United – which was admittedly a cracking game – Van Gaal was bullish in his post-match press conference.

Newcastle United v Manchester United - Premier League : News Photo

But the real entertainment came at the end of the conference, during a question about Wayne Rooney’s return to form against the Magpies.

Wrapping up after praising Rooney, Van Gaal said: “We don’t speak anymore about Rooney. You have criticised him. I don’t. You! You too…” whilst pointing at one journalist in particular.

In order to make it clear exactly which of the congregated press he was referring to, a departing Van Gaal exclaimed: “…fat man there!”

Of course the room howled with laughter. Brilliant…