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09th Feb 2016

VIDEO: ‘Instant legend’ Liverpool fan is hilarious when making his point on ridiculous ticket prices

Nooruddean Choudry

As Brendan Rodgers would say, what a character

The very commendable campaign by Liverpool supportersĀ to take a standĀ against spiralling ticket prices is no laughing matter. Those in power are beginning to take notice and even Jurgen Klopp has had his say.

But perhaps no one has expressed fan derision with quite the eloquence, succinctness and plain hilarityĀ as this flat-capped Irishman outside Anfield, as interviewed by Redmen TV.

Whenever someone starts anĀ argument with, “This is like, football man, this is like, crazy sh*t…”, you know you’re in for a cracking ride and so it transpired.

Instead of focusing on the socio-economic impact of the price hikes, theĀ f-bombing gentĀ emphasisedĀ on the dire fare on show for such exorbitant prices.

“Ā£77? To watch tha’?! Er ya f*ckin’ mad?!! JAMES MILNER?! What the F*CK?!

Brilliant. Someone give this man his own show…