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06th Jul 2016

Wales fans greet the emotional father of Gary Speed in Lyon ahead of Euro 2016 semi-final

Great moment

Matt Tate

Roger Speed, father of the late Gary Speed, is in Lyon for the biggest night in the history of Welsh football, and he was a given a heartwarming greeting by fans.

Roger is in the French city with Gary’s two sons Ed and Tom, who tragically lost their Dad nearly five years ago.

Ahead of the huge semi-final against Portugal Wales coach Chris Coleman paid tribute to his friend and managerial predecessor, who he called a “sporting icon”, and Welsh fans remain incredibly grateful for the remarkable journey that Speed started them on.

It didn’t take long for the travelling supporters to spot Roger, and BBC journalist Caroline Barker filmed a group of them embracing him and singing both of their names.

It was a wonderful spontaneous moment that, according to Barker, left everyone who witnessed it “in tears”.

Wales Online report that Roger was also a bit overwhelmed by the occasion, and he’s urging the over-achieving Wales side to “do it for Speedo”. Roger Speed said:

“What a reception. He’d have been proud.

“We were in the restaurant and I went to the window and all the Welsh fans were singing, they were chanting my name and I was in tears.

“They really are fantastic supporters, the best in the world.”