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19th Jun 2016

Wales fans join forces with Russians to sing “F*ck off England!”

Allegiances switched


The Welsh don’t know which side they’re on.

You’d think when a group of Brits head out onto the mainland of Europe that everyone would stick together, but it’s not always the case.

Just days ago, Wales supporters were filmed arm-in-arm with a group of England fans in Lille, chanting “Fuck off Russia, we’re England and Wales!”

But that was prior to England’s last-minute victory over Wales in the second round of Group B fixtures and, apparently, allegiances have since switched following Daniel Sturridge’s late winner.

Chris Coleman’s side take on Russia in Toulouse on Monday, knowing that a victory coinciding with a draw or defeat for England would see Wales top the group, while three points would still guarantee them second place and their first appearance in the second round of a major tournament since a solitary Pele goal sent them packing from the 1958 World Cup quarter-finals.

And it seems as though the Welsh have become Team Russia, and vice versa, as supporters united to slag off England outside a Toulouse bar.

It’s like Wales are cheating on England with Russia and poor old Slovakia is being completely ignored. Poor Slovakia, the only thing worse than being chanted about is not being chanted about.