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03rd Jul 2016

Watch Game of Thrones’ Davos spar with Conor McGregor’s coach

Learning from one of the best

Conor Heneghan

Is Davos about to pull out some MMA moves in Season 7 of Game of Thrones, perhaps?

If he is, then John Kavanagh can take some of the credit.

Conor McGregor’s coach has been busy at Straight Blast Gym, putting the actor who plays the Game of Thrones mainstay, Irishman Liam Cunningham, through his paces.

Unfortunately for MMA-loving Game of Thrones fans, it seems unlikely that Cunningham will be whipping out those moves in Westeros.

The man you can see in the Octagon with Kavanagh and Cunningham is acclaimed director Jim Sheridan, so we can only assume that the actor’s training was with a view to an upcoming project the pair are working on together.

They were also spotted at the GPO Witness History Exhibition in Dublin this weekend.

Sheridan could have been just an interested spectator, of course, but in any case Cunningham is certainly well able to get about the Octagon.

He’s going to need that flexibility when the White Walkers come sniffing for blood in the near future.