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10th Jul 2016

Watch Eric Cantona deliver a truly epic Manchester United welcome to Zlatan Ibrahimovic

One enigma to another

Patrick McCarry

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a Red. Eric Cantona approves.

The enigmatic Frenchman has been recording a series of fantastic videos for Eurosport during Euro 2016. He has applied for the England job, lauded Irish fans and sang ‘Will Grigg’s On Fire’.

This time around, he has a special message for ‘Ibra’.

The Swedish striker will turn out for Jose Mourinho’s Manchester United next season and Cantona can’t wait. He declares:

‘I have a personal message for Zlatan:
You decided to go red
It is the best choice you ever made
When you walk into the Theatre of Dreams
When you can feel the ghosts of the legends that have been here before
When you score that first goal right in front of Stretford end
When you hear the crowd chanting your name
When your heart beats so strong that it bursts out of your chest
When you feel that you will love them as much as they will love you
You will know, my friend, that you finally made it home

Just one last thing, there can only be one King in Manchester. You can be the Prince if you want to.

And the number 7 is yours if you are interested. That is my welcome gift to you…

The King is gone! Long live the Prince!’

It just feels so right.