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02nd Feb 2017

NFL Bad Lip Reading is here just in time for the Super Bowl and it’s fantastic

Never gets old.

Conor Heneghan

Yes to this.

People raved about the Donald Trump inauguration being given the bad lip reading treatment last month and rightly so because it was brilliant.

While bad lip readings of Trump are a somewhat recent phenomenon, the NFL has been getting the treatment for years and the geniuses behind it have it down to a fine art at this stage.

Just days before Superbowl LI in Houston, the 2017 version of NFL bad lip reading has arrived and fans of the series are in for a treat. And not only because Tom Brady features quite heavily.

Sure, most of it (all of it) makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but we can pretty much guarantee you’ll be laughing for a good chunk of the six minutes.


Clip via Bad Lip Reading


