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21st Nov 2016

Watch this jobsworth referee penalise a goalkeeper after strong winds blow goal-kick back towards him

Zero common sense

Simon Lloyd

If we’re being honest, we here at JOE thought our days of checking Google to see if we’d spelled ‘Midtjylland’ correctly were done when Manchester United knocked them out of the Europa League last season.

How wrong were we.

The de-throned Danish champions have caught our attention once again, following a truly bizarre incident during their match with equally-as-difficul-to-spell SoenderjyskE (yes, that is supposed to be a capital letter at the end).

With the game being contested amidst a storm, Johan Dahlin – the man between the sticks for Midtjylland – stepped up to take a goal kick midway through the second half.

Having lofted the ball into the air, Dahlin soon saw the ball sailing back towards him on the stormy breeze. Under pressure from SoenderjyskE attackers, the goalkeeper decided it was best to catch the ball.

Given the strange circumstances, you might think that a referee would have no problem with this and would simply encourage the goalkeeper to play on following the incident. Unfortunately for Dahlin, this ref wasn’t quite so lenient…

Instead, the man in the middle decided that because Dahlin had just caught his own kick, this was worthy of an indirect free-kick to SoenderjyskE, much to the disbelief of the Midtjylland players.


As you can see from the video, nothing came from the free-kick, although SoenderjyskE went on to get the only goal of the match after the incident.

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