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26th May 2016

You’ll never forget the time you saw a Celtic fan use his own child as a scarf

We, at JOE, do not endorse the use of kids as scarves

Darragh Murphy

It was at this point that Brendan Rodgers realised things are a tad different in Glasgow.

Rodgers was officially unveiled as Celtic’s new manager on Monday and it will forever be remembered as the day that a child was held aloft proudly… scarflike.

As You’ll Never Walk Alone was blared through the Celtic Park speakers, the majority of the 10,000 in attendance stretched their green and white scarves taut and reached them to the heavens.

But one lad clearly left his neckwear in the car and, hey, his child was dressed in green and white so, you know, same difference.

Luckily, the youngster didn’t double as a scarf for too long as the man’s wife clearly saw sense and pulled the child down from his lofty, horizontal perch.