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30th Jul 2016

Watch Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s reaction when he was asked about Paul Pogba

He does what he wants

Matt Tate

Most footballers like to remain tight-lipped when asked about potential incomings to their clubs.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, however, is not somebody you could categorise under “most footballers”.

The Swede made his debut for Manchester United in a pre-season friendly against Galatasaray on Saturday night, where it took him all of three minutes to register his first goal for the club. It wasn’t a bad one either.

United won the game 5-2 in the end, despite trailing at half-time. Much of the Red Devils’ resurgence was owed to an exciting substitute performance from Marcus Rashford, whose attacking efforts didn’t go unnoticed by a Zlatan Ibrahimovic watching on from the sidelines.

Journalists were naturally queuing up to talk to the new man at Old Trafford after his typically headline-writing bow for the club. It will also surprise nobody to learn that the media wanted his take on the imminent arrival (or so everybody thinks) of Paul Pogba from Juventus.

Here’s the interview clip he gave in his native tongue.

Most of you reading are probably scratching your heads at what that all meant, though you don’t have to be versed in Swedish to notice how abruptly the exchange of words ended.

Luckily, European sports journalist Jonas Giaevara was on hand to translate.

Well there you have it, Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s official ruling on Paul Pogba: “he’s good”.

For a lot of United fans watching on, that was essentially confirmation of the deal.

Just a matter of time?