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19th Nov 2016

Wayne Rooney has managed to injure himself by tripping over a bottle

From bad to worse.

Darragh Murphy

The emerging details of Wayne Rooney’s most recent injury only serve to compound the England captain’s embarrassing week.

Rooney played no part in England’s 2-2 friendly with Spain after picking up a knee injury following the comprehensive victory over Scotland just days earlier.

But it wasn’t a muscle strained by giving everything for the cause. Nor was it a knock that was picked up in the game that, due to his focus and adrenaline, wasn’t noticed until he left the pitch.

No, it was because Rooney tripped over a bottle of energy drink and smashed his knee when he lost his balance, according to a report in The Times.

Everton v Manchester United - Premier League

He never was the most graceful man in football.

And while he can’t be blamed for what sounds like a complete freak accident, it is just another unwanted headline for the under-fire Manchester United forward.

You’d have thought Rooney had shot someone given the media outcry that accompanied pictures of the 31-year-old, who stayed out past his bedtime and had a few drinks at a wedding, that appeared in a newspaper earlier this week.

Rooney’s on-pitch performances have also come in for criticism this season, which seems altogether more reasonable than ridiculing a grown man for having a few pints when he knew that he didn’t have a game for a week.

The most disgraceful aspect of all is that Rooney didn’t even have the courtesy to issue a public apology for slipping on the bottle.


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