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14th Dec 2016

Wojciech Szczesny unleashes his inner diva with uncanny Mariah Carey impression

What a diva

Nooruddean Choudry

Wojciech Szczesny lip-syncing. Or lip-szczyncing if you will.

We won’t lie – we always dreamed that one day we could finally pen a story about the Arsenal goalkeeper and Mariah Carey. And that day has finally come.

Sadly it doesn’t involve Szczesny frolicking in a field wearing a pair of skimpy denim cut-offs singing 1993 classic ‘Dreamlover’, but it’s actually not that far off.

The 26-year-old keeper, currently on loan to Serie A side Roma, decided to get into the festive spirit by lip-syncing to Carey’s famous Crimbo ditty, ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’, in his fancy kitchen.

And fair do’s to Wojciech – he gave his emotive rendition everything he’s got, even getting his missus to join him at the end.

Once he’s had enough of being a footballer and professional selfie-taker, perhaps a life in cabaret beckons…