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04th Nov 2018

Yeovil fan cleans up entire away end after defeat to Morecambe Town

Wayne Farry

Everyone loves fans cleaning up after themselves

There were plenty of stories during the World Cup last summer of supporters being extremely nice and doing some cleaning post-game, most notably Senegal supporters, who cleared litter away from the Spartak Stadium after their 2-1 win over Poland.

But that was the World Cup, a festival of football and joy where each of us put aside our partisanship to just have a good time for a month. Surely, now that we’re a decent chunk into the domestic season all of that sort of kindness and selflessness is a thing of the past.

Well, if you thought that, you’d be wrong, and it’s all thanks to one Yeovil Town fan.

Yeovil were away to Morecambe Town on Saturday, a match which they lost 2-1 at the Globe Arena and leaves them in 14th place in League Two.

Now usually after a defeat such as this the away fans would want to leave the stadium as soon as possible, but one Yeovil Town decided to do something extremely nice and – instead of heading for the exit door – cleaned up the entire away end.

Morecambe took to Twitter to thank the fan – whose identity has not been made public – for doing the clean up, and a number of Morecambe fans also showed their appreciation.

Well, isn’t that just lovely.