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01st Oct 2015

Facebook are introducing some cool changes to your profile page (Video)

Moving stuff...

Joe Harrington

These changes sound great.

Facebook turned 11 earlier this year and it’s showing no signs of slowing down or easing up on its evolution.

The latest upgrades to the social media giant are focused on your profile photo and your profile layout in general.

TechCrunch revealed today that Facebook are planning on introducing four new changes in the coming months and we’re very excited.

1. Pinning photos to the top of your profile

You’ll have the ability to pin five photos to the top of your profile which will be visible to your friends and people adding you as a friend.

The feature is being introduced to give people a more “rounded look at your personality” or “more creeping material” in layman’s terms.

2. Temporary profile photo

Facebook are allowing people to put a time limit on profile photos. Once the selected duration expires, the temporary photo will disappear and your most recent profiler will reappear.


3. New bio section

You’ll now have 100 characters to describe yourself in the bio section.

If you set it to public, anyone who discovers you on Facebook (after a night out) can find out a little about you before adding.

4. Looping video as your profile pic

This is the coolest new feature. You’ll be able to make a 7-second looping video for your profile pic/video.

They were obviously inspired by Snapchat, here’s TechCrunch‘s example.


Pretty cool, huh?

What do you think of the new features? Let us know on Twitter or in the Facebook comments.