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08th Jun 2016

Facebook is testing out a new feature that could replace tagging people

This would be a welcome change.

Megan Roantree

This is one for all of you who are sick of your friends tagging you in the comments section of random memes.

Facebook is constantly updating and changing to ensure we stay addicted to it forever.

The latest update has been tested out on a small number of people, but if it becomes permanent it could replace the annoying ‘tag a friend’ phenomenon.

This potential new feature would allow users to notify a small group of friends about something they see on Facebook. It will send a notification to your friend but you wont have to search through thousands of comments to find your name. Instead, it will discreetly notify the person without any public tagging.

Facebook user Sean Charles, who was one of the first to spot the change, sent a screen shot to tech site Social Times.

According to Charles, he could send a notification to up to 10 friends using the new feature.

It’s unknown yet whether the feature will come into full effect.

