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22nd Dec 2016

Facebook’s latest feature will make your profile a lot more colourful

We love it.

Megan Roantree

We love it.

Facebook has found a way to keep us hooked on the site by constantly updating it and adding new features.

From cover photos to reaction buttons facebook has changed a lot over the past few years.

Just recently you may have noticed that if you write a short status the words will appear in a bigger font to help it to stand out. However, that’s not all they’re doing to encourage people to update their status more often.

Facebook have recently launched a ‘colour status’ which is exactly what it sounds like. Social media users will now be able to colour the background of their posts in a variety of hues where it would usually be white. colourstatus3

At the moment only a selected few are being given this option on their profiles. If you’re one of the lucky ones you’ll see it when you begin to type something in. You will see a small wheel of colour should appear beside your camera, video and location options.

Here’s what status will look like:





