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03rd Feb 2017

Facebook’s new feature wants you to become friends with people you don’t know

Who thought this was a good idea?!

Cathy Donohue

No thanks.

Apparently, Facebook is testing a new feature which encourages people you don’t know to add you as a friend.

According to Tech Crunch, it’s called Discover People and it’s about to become available to all Facebook users.

If you can access it, you’ll find it in the Navigation section alongside Friends, Events and the other tabs you’re familiar with from regular use of the popular app.

Here, you’ll be able to update your profile before moving on to a section where you can see people going to the same events that you are.

That’s slightly creepy but apparently, there’s also options to browse through people living in your area or working at the same company.

Facebook has said the idea behind this is to improve communication for its users.

A spokesperson said:

“Too often, it’s hard to learn more about people around you, whether it is upon starting a new job, joining a new group, deciding if you want to attend an event, or moving to a new place”.

“To make it easier, we’re starting to roll out a new bookmark in the More menu called ‘Discover People’ that can help you discover more about people you have things in common with by browsing through profile cards of people in your community”.

I’m not quite sold yet, are you?