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03rd Jun 2016

Has anyone else noticed anything very different with their Instagram feeds?


Tony Cuddihy

There’s that word ‘algorithm’ again.

If you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed and you see posts from weeks ago at the very top, nothing is broken – they’ve changed the order in which you see the images.

Up until now you will have always seen posts in reverse chronological order, similar to Twitter, but now that’s all changed.

Instagram announced in March that it planned to boost posts based on the “likelihood you’ll be interested in the content, your relationship with the person posting, and the timeliness of the post.”

We’re now seeing that in action.

According to TechCrunch, ‘as Instagram has continued to grow and expand – the company now reports over 400 million monthly users – the number of photos and videos on its service have increased as well. That’s why it’s making this change.’

They are also paying attention to the fact that the posts people want to see are not necessarily the most recent images in their feed.

