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11th Jun 2016

Facebook could be about to delete some photos from your page

There's a way around it, but you'll need *another* Facebook app

Conor Heneghan

In less than a month’s time, Facebook could delete photos from your page that you didn’t even know you had.

Sound confusing? Well it is and it isn’t.

According to Tech Crunch, in an effort to push their photo-sharing app, Facebook Moments, the social media giant has set a deadline of July 7 before removing photos that had been automatically synced to a user’s page via their smartphone.

Chances are, you’ve been automatically syncing photos from your smartphone to your Facebook page for a long time and haven’t even known you were doing it.


Photo-syncing on an iPhone for example, was an optional feature introduced by iOS in 2012, which, if enabled, automatically synced photos taken on the iPhone to a private photo album on a user’s Facebook page.

Now, Facebook is giving users until July 7 to save those photos using the Facebook Moments app or else they will be removed.

It is only the synced photos albums that will be affected, but considering how many Facebook photos originate from smartphones these days, that could be quite a lot of photos for quite a lot of people.

The tactic of pushing the Moments app in this way has been used to push another Facebook app, Messenger, in the past, with both of them featuring prominently in the highest-ranking apps in the App Store as a result.

Clever people, those Facebook folks.

It’s a bit of an inconvenience to have to go to the trouble, but you can’t say you weren’t warned.

