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14th Sep 2018

This Netflix scam is going around, delete the email

Keep it secret, keep it safe

Oli Dugmore

Keep it secret, keep it safe

There’s a scam doing the rounds, pretending to be an email from Netflix when in actual fact it’s from some naughty fraudsters.

The motherfuckers will ask you to update your payment details, obviously, but really they’re just milking your monies.

Don’t handover your info if you see this email, in fact it’s probably best to never hand it over:

The text reads: “We face some difficulties with the current billing information of your own.

“We will try again, but please at the same time you [sic] update your payment details.”

There is a red button that tells you to “Update Account now” at the end of the email.

Action Fraud issued the warning after an example of the fake emails was reported to them.

Statement on Netflix imitation email

A spokesperson said: “Watch out for these fake Netflix emails. Always question unsolicited requests for your personal or financial information in case its a scam.

“Never automatically click on a link in an unexpected email or text.”

Well you’ve been told now so really there is no excuse.

Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, and takes crime and information reports on behalf of the police and gives advice and fraud prevention guidance.