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13th May 2016

Netflix content descriptions are infinitely improved by software glitches

We want to watch all of these

Matt Tate

Regular Netflix is great, but we prefer its messed-up cousin that occasionally rears its head when the app crashes.

When there’s so much content on the service competing to feature in your six-hour binge, it’s important that the sells are on the money. That’s why every movie or show provides a brief plot synopsis in the hope it’ll grab your attention.

Something like this:

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 13.00.19

As incredible as Netflix is, with its near-endless library of entertainment and seamless interface, it’s still vulnerable to a technological f*ckup or two every now and again. Nothing’s perfect, right?

It turns out that the app quite often gets mixed up and displays the wrong description for what you’re trying to watch. A Twitter account called @SummaryBug archives all of these for your amusement.

Here are some of the funniest.

She’s really lost her way since Peter Pan went off on a gap year with Wendy…

Princesses and crime-solving go hand in hand…

This Archer spinoff sounds crap…


This one is just Netflix geeking out…

Matt Murdock just wasn’t cutting it…

That explains all the teenage angst…

Can only applaud…

Always wanted to see Tigger give it the big one in Hell’s Kitchen…

We’re with Sally…

Never could take a chill pill that sponge…



Have you spotted any funny Netflix descriptions? Email us:, or message us on Facebook

