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12th Apr 2016

Google have released an App allowing Android users to scroll hands-free

Nothing quite like hands free technology...

Colm Boohig

This could be very handy.

Before people claim that this has always been the way, it was only partially available before, so this new app could really make a difference.

Google are releasing Voice Access, which will allow you to fully use your phone without needing to press anything. It has been created to help people who have difficulty accessing and operating their phones to use their device to a fully functioning standard.

For those of you who can’t shake that strong local accent and still want to avail of the hands-free option don’t worry, because Voice Access enables users to call out a number which will be partnered with the specific app you are requesting.

Voice Access

As it stands, the app is in beta, but should soon be available to the general public.

Will you find it be useful?

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