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22nd Jul 2016

Snapchat’s latest update lets you create chaos with custom filters

This is probably going to get weird

Matt Tate

Do you remember life before Snapchat filters?

How did we spend the time sat on the toilet before we could turn ourselves into dogs and spew rainbows from our mouths? Tinder and Angry Birds never stood a chance.

And if you like filters, you’re probably going to get a lot out of the latest Snapchat update, which allows users to create their own.

Scribbling on your snaps is nothing new to Snapchat, but until now it’s only been possible to do so on photos. In a video the drawing wouldn’t stay attached to your face when you moved.

The new Face Paint lens changes that. The filter tracks the movement of your face and adjusts accordingly. Conveniently, it also remembers the last filter you drew, so if you’re particularly chuffed with your custom dragon face you can plaster it over as many snaps as you like.

It goes without saying that the internet has already gone to town on the new feature.



Snapchat has also added Bitmoji compatibility to its latest update, which means Snappers can create their own personal avatars and use them in emojis. The future has arrived, and it’s going to be emojional.

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