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04th Aug 2015

Turn your phone into a 3D hologram projector using tape and a CD case (Video)


The future is here my friends. We each haveĀ a 3D hologram projector in our pockets and don’t even know it.

Those clever chaps at have figured out a way to make your smartphone project stunning 3D images – basically turning your iPhone into R2-D2.

All you need is a CD case, something to cut it with, a pencil, ruler and paper and some tape. It’s brilliantlyĀ simple and only takes 10 minutes.

Very basically, you need to cut out four trapezium shapes from the CD case and tape them together to make what looks like a pyramid with the top cut out.

Look, it’s harder to explain than actually make.Ā WatchĀ Kyle Hill talk you through the simple procedure…

Once you’ve made your ‘trapezoidal’ shape, you simply place it on the surface of your smartphone screen and play this video. Hey presto –Ā you have entered the future…