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08th Jun 2015

Video: American guy builds his own laser shotgun. It looks dangerous…

It looks deadly...

Ben Kenyon

Remind us never to invite this American chap for a game of laser tag…

A couple of years ago he built a 6W home-made lightsabre, but the guy has really beefed up his arsenal since.

He’s only gone and built a fully-operational 40W shotgun out of eight powerful lasers, a lithium battery and what looks like a magnifying glass.

It seems to be pretty effective too.

“Dangerous is an understatement,” he says as he tests it out on various items lying around his garage (which is an understatement in itself).

It makes short work of some balloons, a ping pong ball and a piece of wood – most of which end up engulfed in flames within seconds.

Good job it’s absolutely legal to build one of those things…

H/T Reddit